Helpful Hearing Articles
Make informed decisions on the purchase of your next hearing aid device!
Hearing Survey
Take our hearing health survey and start your journey to better hearing!
At Peninsula Family Hearing, we are proud to offer comprehensive hearing healthcare, from consultations and hearing evaluations, all the way to helping you pick out your hearing aid and finding the perfect fit. We also work in conjunction with Labor and Industries on noise-induced hearing loss claims. Anyone with a high risk of noise exposure should get their hearing check annually.
There are many steps that are part of a hearing evaluation. If you suspect that you might need a hearing aid, you will first need to have a hearing evaluation. At the time of the hearing evaluation, a case history will be taken to determine how much your hearing problem impacts your day-to-day life as well as the lives of your family.
Since the various systems produce different hearing impressions, it is important for you to make a comparison yourself. For this purpose we will produce custom-made earmolds based on the exact contours of your ears. We can then ensure that your hearing aid fits perfectly.
During a hearing aid evaluation, you will meet with a licensed professional who will discuss with you the different styles, colors, technologies, and benefits to wearing hearing aids. You may be shown different styles or have the opportunity to try different hearing aids in the office. Custom impressions may be taken of your ears, depending on the style of hearing aid chosen.
At the hearing aid fitting, you will receive the hearing aids you selected. They are programmed based on a prescription that is specific to each person’s hearing loss. The hearing professional may make adjustments after you try the hearing aids to make sure the settings and fit are ideal for you.
Some minor hearing aid repairs can be done in the office setting in a short period of time; others will need to be sent to the manufacturer for repair. Your hearing professional can help determine what kind of a repair is necessary if you feel your hearing aid is not working properly.
Musicians practice and perform in a variety of different settings. They are exposed to high levels of sound, sometimes for long periods, which may put them at risk for permanent hearing damage. Musician’s earplugs are custom-made devices that help to limit the sound exposure from instruments, while still providing a rich musical experience for the performer or audience.
Helpful Hearing Articles
Make informed decisions on the purchase of your next hearing aid device!
Hearing Survey
Take our hearing health survey and start your journey to better hearing!
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